FSG Non-Cash Payments

This Agreement is effective: 16th August, 2024.

This Financial Services Guide (“FSG”) is dated 13 June 2023 and is provided to you by Douugh Labs Pty Ltd (ACN 609 270 475) (“Douugh Labs”, “we”, “our”, “us”, “Providing Entity”) to inform you of the financial services provided by us and to comply with our obligations as an Authorised Representative (number 1303959) of Amplus Global Pty Ltd (“Amplus Global”) (ACN 162 631 325), the holder of Australian Financial Services (“AFS”) Licence number 505929.

The distribution of this FSG by Douugh Labs has been authorised by Amplus Global.

Amplus Global Pty Ltd

11 Hargraves Street

Noraville NSW  2263

Telephone: (02) 4396 6740

Mail: PO Box 6269, Kincumber NSW 2251


Email: info@amplusglobal.com.au

This FSG is meant to assist you to decide whether to use our services and to explain:

  • Who we are.

  • What financial services we provide and the products to which those services relate.

  • What our responsibilities are and what type of advice we give.

  • How you can instruct us.

  • What you can expect to pay for the financial services.

  • What remuneration and other benefits may be paid to us, our employees or others.

  • Relationships and associations.

  • What to do if you have a complaint – and how it will be dealt with.

  • For what purpose we use your contact data?

  • How you can contact us.

This FSG contains only general information about the services we offer. If you still have any questions after reading this FSG, please contact us. Our contact details are listed at the end of this document.

What other disclosure documents and statements will I receive?

Since Douugh Labs is not authorised to provide you with personal financial product advice, there is no requirement for you to be provided with a Statement of Advice (“SOA”).

Pursuant to Section 1012D of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (“the Act”), we are not required by law to provide you with a Product Disclosure Statement (“PDS”). Should you engage the services of an applicable financial product issuer, then they will be obligated to provide you with a PDS or other relevant disclosure documents that include information about the financial product so that you can make an informed decision as to whether to acquire the product. It would include any relevant terms, significant risks and costs associated with the supply of that financial product.

How you can instruct us and your obligations?

We will accept your instructions in person, via telephone, letter, email, application, API or other applicable electronic device.

You must check and confirm with us that instructions sent electronically, have in fact been received by us.

Who are we and what services are we authorised to provide?

Amplus Global is the holder of AFS Licence number 505929 with authorisations to provide the following financial services:

Provide financial product advice to retail and wholesale clients for the following classes of financial products:

  • Deposit and payment products limited to:

    • Basic deposit products

    • Non-cash payment products

  • Derivatives

  • Foreign Exchange Contracts

  • Interests in managed investment schemes excluding investor directed portfolio services

  • Securities

Deal in a financial product by issuing, applying for, acquiring, varying or disposing of a financial product in respect of following classes of financial products: 

  • Interests in managed investment schemes limited to:

    • MDA services

Deal in a financial product by issuing, applying for, acquiring, varying or disposing of a financial product to wholesale clients only in respect of following classes of financial products:

  • Interests in managed investment schemes excluding investor directed portfolio services

Deal in a financial product by arranging for another person to issue, apply for, acquire for, vary or dispose of a financial product to wholesale clients only in respect of the following classes of financial products:

  • Securities

Deal in a financial product by applying for, acquiring, varying or disposing a financial product on behalf of another person to retail and wholesale clients in respect of the following classes of products:

  • Deposit and payment products limited to:

    • Basic deposit products

    • Non-cash payment products

  • Derivatives

  • Foreign Exchange Contracts

  • Interests in managed investment schemes excluding investor directed portfolio services

  • Securities

Deal in a financial product by underwriting to wholesale clients only:

  • Interests in managed investment schemes

  • An issue of securities

Provide the following custodial or depository services to wholesale clients only:

  • Operate custodial or depository services other than investor directed portfolio services.

Douugh Labs is an Authorised Representative of Amplus Global and is only permitted to provide the following financial services:

Provide general financial product advice for the following classes of financial products:

  • Deposit and payment products limited to:

    • Non-cash payment products

Deal in a financial product by applying for, acquiring, varying or disposing a financial product on behalf of another person in respect of the following classes of products:

  • Deposit and payment products limited to:

    • Non-cash payment products

to retail and wholesale clients.

What are our responsibilities and what type of advice do we give?

Douugh Labs will only provide you with general advice that does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs. Whenever we provide you with general advice, you should consider whether our advice is appropriate for your particular financial circumstances and requirements and consider the relevant PDS.

Douugh Labs utilises a non-cash payments facility in order to receive and send funds from the Spend Jar to a supplier, biller or individual, using the Douugh Card or Pay Anyone features.

The costs, remuneration and other benefits that may be received by us, or our employees and others.

The information in this section is subject to change and does not include information in relation to taxes or duties that you may be required to pay in relation to the use of the service. Unless otherwise stated, all fees, charges, commissions and benefits disclosed in the FSG exclude Goods and Services Tax (“GST”) and are subject to change.

There are no fees to use this facility. Please see the Douugh Australia Pty Ltd FSG for a full breakdown of Fees on the platform, including Spot and Investing fees.

Full details can be found at https://douugh.com/au.

Douugh Labs may also receive referral and / or affiliate payments from third party providers. These fees will vary depending on the commercial relationships between parties and the level of service being provided.

Our employees, directors, associates and any other relevant persons, may in turn be remunerated on a commission basis, in addition to their salary, for the services provided to you.

Relationship and associations

Douugh Labs may have contractual relationships with related bodies corporate and other entities who are instrumental in the provision of the applicable financial services – including INMO Capital Pty Ltd and Stakk Technologies (the issuer of the financial product). All such dealings, where applicable, are conducted on an arm’s length basis.

Douugh Labs may arrange for you to be supplied with financial services and products issued by non-related product issuers. Douugh Labs may receive a fee, commission payment, or other form of remuneration, or other benefits from these non-related issuers as a result of you investing in one of their products or services. These relationships in no way influence the provision of financial services by Douugh Labs to you.

Douugh Labs, its representatives and associates, do not maintain any associations or relationships that might reasonably be expected to be capable of influencing Douugh Labs in providing any of the authorised services.

If you have a complaint, how it will be dealt with?

If you are unhappy with our service and wish to make a complaint, Douugh has a formalised client complaint resolution procedure. All complaints are reviewed and investigated by the Chief Complaints Officer and we advise you of the outcome by phone or in writing. You may also choose to contact the licensee – Amplus Global, whose details are disclosed above

The Chief Complaints Officer can be contacted by email at help.au@douugh.com If you make a complaint, our first response will be to contact you to discuss the complaint and to register a formal record of such complaint. We will try to resolve your complaint quickly and fairly.

If, despite our best efforts, you believe your complaint has not been satisfactorily dealt with or you are not satisfied with our response after 30 days, you may lodge a dispute with The Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA).You can contact AFCA by writing to:

The Australian Financial Complaints Authority

GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001

Website: https://www.afca.org.au/

Toll free telephone: 1800 931 678

You may also wish to contact ASIC to discuss your complaint and/or your concerns. You can contact ASIC on its free call Infoline 1300 300 630.

The AFCA website also permits you to register or lodge a dispute online.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

Our compensation arrangements comply with the legal requirements set out in Section 912B of the Act and ASIC Regulatory Guide 126. As required, we maintain professional indemnity insurance coverage in relation to the financial products and services we provide. Our coverage includes any claims in relation to the conduct of present and former representatives and/or employees.

For what purpose do we use your contact data?

Privacy is an important use for us and we are committed to ensuring full compliance with Privacy Act requirements.

The personal data that we collect from you will only be used by us to assist in the planning of marketing proposals, training and education requirements and the provision of product advice to clients.

You can obtain a copy of our Privacy Policy at https://douugh.com/au, or by emailing us. If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint with regards to our Privacy Policy, you can telephone the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner on 1300 363 992.

How you can contact us

Address: Level 17, Three International Towers

300 Barangaroo Avenue 

Sydney  NSW  2000

Web: https://douugh.com/au

Email: help.au@douugh.com