Welcome to the Academy

All the resources you need to live a financially healthier life!




FX Fees and BPS

3 | Intermediate

Investing Top Tips

4 | Beginnner

What is the S&P 500?

2 mins | Beginnner

What is the Nasdaq?

2 mins | Beginnner

What is the ASX Futures?

2 mins | Beginnner

AUD/USD Currency

3 mins | Beginnner

10-Year U.S. Treasury

1 | Intermediate

What is sustainable investing?

3 mins | Beginnner

What is Dollar-Cost Averaging?

4 mins | Beginnner

What is Diversification?

8 mins | Beginnner

What are Stocks and ETFs?

8 mins | Beginnner

Why invest sustainably?

3 mins | Beginnner

When to sell your shares

2 mins | Beginnner

What to ask yourself before selling shares

2 mins | Beginnner

What is stock lending?

2 mins | Advanced

What is short selling?

1 min | Advanced

What is securities lending?

1 min | Advanced

What is compound growth?

3 mins | Intermediate

What is capital loss?

1 min | Intermediate

What is a stock split?

2 mins | Beginnner

What is a share price?

3 mins | Beginnner

What is a market order?

2 mins | Beginnner

What is a 'best bid' or 'best offer'?

1 min | Beginnner

What are stock exchanges?

2 mins | Intermediate

What are large, mid and small cap shares?

2 mins | Intermediate

What are investing fees?

1 min | Beginnner

What are fractional shares?

2 mins | Beginnner

What are ‘green’ industries?

2 mins | Beginnner

The benefits of Stock Lending

2 mins | Advanced

Structuring your portfolio for market dips

3 mins | Intermediate

Monitoring your investment

4 mins | Intermediate

Long-term vs Short-term investing

3 mins | Beginnner

How to research a stock

2 mins | Beginnner

How to know Stock Lending is right for you

3 mins | Advanced

How to choose a Stock

2 mins | Beginnner

How much should I invest?

2 mins | Beginnner

Avoiding Stress in Volatile Markets

3 mins | Intermediate